
Rainbow Week

March 27 – March 31

This week we will be looking at colors.  We will talk about rainbows, the sun in the sky and clouds.  There will be a rainbow of colors in the sensory table, at the the play-dough table and at art.  The children will have an opportunity to mix colors and to talk about colors they see in the classroom and outside.  The spring flowers are one way you can talk with your child about colors as you walk around your neighborhood.  The daffodils are out and the tulips are getting ready to bloom – lots of colors to talk about and to practice “focus”.  Children can be expected to stay focused on an activity for 1 minute times their age (2 minutes if you are 2, 10 minutes if you are 10).  Of course, they are able to stay focused for much longer when it is an activity they are particularly interested in.

The ability to focus and control (your body) involves the developing executive functioning skills including the ability to pay attention, learn and remember rules, and the self-control to not act on initial impulses.

You can play ‘I SPY’ as you walk:  I spy something___(insert a color).  Kids love this game and then you can let them take turns being the leader and the one who gets to find something for you to ‘spy’.

Other ways you can work on focus –

  • Switch words to a familiar song and see if your child notices (wheels on the train instead of bus).  This is a fun and creative way to sing songs that encourages focus and listening skills.
  • Play a sorting game when you clean up toys – let’s find all the blue toys, put all the round toys in the basket, who has a soft toy?
  • Try singing a song while waiting in a line or at a restaurant.  This gives your child a tool for managing a situation that they cannot control.  An example would be: going to a restaurant. 

When working on their “focus” and “control” skills you allow them an outlet to deal with the frustration that might occur while waiting in a line, when they are hungry and waiting for the food to come, sitting at a table while others finish their meal. Being able to control bodies, emotions and actions is a skill children need to learn. You can help young children learn these skills by realizing what methods help them calm and re-center and encourage them to employ those methods when they need them or when they are staring to lose control. These skills will help them develop impulse control necessary for concentration as well as giving them a chance to work on developing executive function skills.

Rainbow Song

I see rainbows, I see rainbows,

Way up high In the sky.
Red and orange and yellow,
Green and blue and purple

Great big rainbow, Great big rainbow
I see rainbows, I see rainbows,

Way up high In the sky.
They are made from sunshine,

Shining through the raindrops
Great big rainbow, Great big rainbow


Red and orange, green and blue
Shiny yellow, purple, too
All the colors that we know
Are way up in a pretty rainbow


Here is a bunny with ears so funny
And here is her hole in the ground
When a noise she hears, she pricks up her ears
And jumps in her hole in the ground.

Baby Bird

A mother bird laid and egg with care
And when it hatched a baby was there
She ate and she ate
and she grew and she grew
and then one day away she flew

Story of Colors

(Similar to Brown Brown Bear)
Red kite, orange butterfly, yellow sun, green grass, blue bird, purple flower, rainbow

We are starting rainbow week and Nick’s wife Greta sent me this great picture taken by her friend from her boat in the Shilshole Marina.  Perfect timing to receive a picture of a rainbow.  I was especially amused that it was a picture taken from Shilshole, sent to Madison WI and then sent back to Seattle! — Teacher Janice

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Open House

We will be hosting an Open House on March 4th, 10am – 12pm.

Share this page or our Facebook Event (embedded below) on social media.

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Now Enrolling!

Crown Hill Explorers Cooperative Preschool is enrolling for Fall 2017!

Crown Hill Explorers will be holding an Open House at preschool on January 31st, 7-9pm. The preschool is located at the Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church, 2400 NW 85th St, Seattle, WA 98117.

We have openings in all of our classes – two Toddler classes and two Pre-3 classes. We will also be running a new nature-centric 3s afternoon class in Fall 2017!

Toddlers: children are 12-24 months as of September 1st

The Owls class meets on Wednesdays from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

The Otters class meets on Fridays from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Pre-3s: children are 24-36 months as of September 1st

The Orcas class meets on Mondays 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. and Wednesdays 11:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

The Bears class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-11:00 a.m.

3-Year-Olds: children are 3 years old as of September 1st

NEW CLASS will meet  Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.

Teacher Janice is amazing and Crown Hill Explorers is the only Nature Explore certified program in Seattle. Coop Preschool is a great way to meet new people and keep your child busy, especially in the wet winter months. We are part of North Seattle College’s Cooperative Preschool program.

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New 3s class for 2017!

We are excited to announce that we are adding a nature-based, afternoon class for 3-year-olds next year! Children should be 3 years old as of September 1st.

Class will meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11:15 am – 1:45 pm.

We will be hosting an Open House on January 31st, 7-9pm. Come talk to us!

Crown Hill Explorers Afternoon 3s Class starting the Fall of 2017-18

The Crown Hill Explorers Preschool will add a 3’s program to accommodate the families who prefer an afternoon outdoor program. Based on feedback from the families we expect a fully enrolled class.   These families would then continue in the cooperative program for the 4-5’s afternoon class offered at Crown Hill 3-5’s.  With two pre3 classes filling just one 3-5’s morning class the Crown Hill Explorers have more students than can be enrolled in the 3-5’s class.  The students who enroll in the afternoon Explorers class would then fill the existing openings in the 4-5’s afternoon class. 

Students will participate in an outdoor based preschool that connects our Nature Explore certification with the NSC cooperative preschool model.

This class will be an outdoor based 3’s class that meets 3 days a week for 2 ½ hours.  Students will have lunch at school and will follow the same schedule as currently established at this site: 

  • Large Motor/Outdoor play
  • Lunch
  • Free Play
  • Circle Time

The stations outside include:

  • Block table
  • Gathering area for quiet times
  • Art area – table and easel activities
  • Big Digging with real tools and wheelbarrow
  • Sandbox and gravel area for vehicles, digging, exploration play
  • Greenhouse for science, playdough, fine motor activities
  • Garden and bird stations – National Wildlife Federation Certified
  • Music and dance
  • Dramatics with housekeeping and baby dolls
  • Library
  • Car/vehicle table
  • Large motor activities – balls, pushing and riding toys, lawn mowers

The outside areas reflect the inside play areas of:

  • Blocks
  • Small Group
  • Climbing
  • Sensory
  • Dramatics
  • Library
  • Fine Motor
  • Science
  • Playdough

The curriculum will be STEM-based with an outdoor/nature focus.  Students will be outside for a minimum of 45 minutes every day no matter what the weather as long as the play area is safe (ie: not frozen or icy) and return to the outside stations as weather permits.  Parents will be assigned to the stations that correspond with the inside stations at this site.  With research showing the need for more outside time and the benefits of educational experiences in a natural setting we propose to enrich our preschool learning environment with a nature based/outdoor curriculum.

Please contact our All-Site Parent Coordinator for more information!

We will be hosting an Open House on January 31st, 7-9pm.

Details here.

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Join Us at Crown Hill Cooperative Preschool’s Open House on Monday, February 1st!

The Crown Hill Cooperative Preschool is hosting an Open House for families with children 1 to 3 years old on Monday, February 1st. Teacher Janice Jacobson will be on hand to lead activities, answer questions, and tour families around our classroom. It’s also a great chance to meet current co-op families and learn about their experiences, too.

Monday, February 1st, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church
2400 NW 85th Street
Seattle, WA 98117

Teacher Janice Jacobson has been teaching in the NSC Co-Op Program since 1991. She loves teaching toddlers and Pre-3s because,“everything is new and intriguing to these little people.” Teacher Janice finds the Co-Op environment to be very supportive of children and their families.

Why We Love Cooperative Preschool

Preschool is a time for your child to explore, engage and encounter. Preschool allows children to be exposed to new friends, new challenges, new ideas. From painting to pretending, taking turns to tower building, each child will have the opportunity to explore new experiences as their minds make new connections about the world around them. Co-Op parents are automatically enrolled as students in the North Seattle College Parent Education Program and receive three college credits each quarter while learning from experienced child development professionals.

What is Co-op?

A Cooperative Preschool, or Co-op, provides quality, early childhood education and parent support for families with children from infancy to Pre-Kindergarten. Co-ops offer a community of support and education for children and their families. They differ from traditional preschools in that they’re lead by an experienced preschool teacher in conjunction with parents, and in partnership with certified Parent Educators from North Seattle College.

In our Co-Op system, teachers plan and implement a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Parents assist in the classroom and perform administrative duties. Parent educators advise teachers and help parents build on their parenting skills. Crown Hill & Northwest Co-op Preschool offers engaging early learning opportunities, accredited parent education, and family support for families in and around Ballard.

For more information about Crown Hill & Northwest Co-op Preschool, please visit our website at:

Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church 2400 NW 85th Street
Seattle, WA 98117

For more information, contact Rebecca Mongrain, Parent Coordinator

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Now Enrolling Pre3s!

We have room in both our Pre3 classes! We have a great outdoor space that all our classes enjoy rain and shine!


This class is held on Mondays (9:30-11:30) and Wednesdays (11:30-1:30). Our Wednesday class is great fun, kids and parents have lunch together and spend most of the day outside enjoying our amazing Outdoor Classroom.


This class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays (9:30-11:30).

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Now Enrolling Pre3s!

We have room in our Orcas class!

This class is held on Mondays (9:30-11:30) and Wednesdays (11:30-1:30). Our Wednesday class is great fun, kids and parents have lunch together and spend most of the day outside enjoying our amazing Outdoor Classroom.

Crown Hill Preschool is now enrolling Pre-3s!

Crown Hill Preschool is now enrolling Pre3s!

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